1. Subject
At Tek-IT, we are very confident in our products and services, offering 30-day
money back guarantee to introduce our potential products and increase clients’ satisfaction. We provide cost-effective and good quality products / service and believe that you will be completely satisfied.
If you are not completely satisfied with your first service for any reason within the first 30 days of usage, you will be given a full refund immediately excluding any shipping & handling charge / related handling charge if applicable, such period being calculated from the date the service activated / installed.
Please note: The 30- day money back guarantee is just for the first service per-customer.
2. Definition
Tek-IT provides a 30-day money back guarantee to clients subject to the following terms
and conditions:
2.1 First purchase per customer.
2.2 All services on first purchase only.
2.3 Clients are not completely satisfied with the service.
2.4 Service just can be refunded within thirty days from the date of service activation or install.
2.5 Tek-IT receives the return hardware if applicable within the period of clause 2.4.
To initiate a return under the 30-day money back guarantee, please submit a cancellation request for the service or submit a ticket under your account at http://portal.tek-it.ca